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About Us

We are professionals

One of the UK’s leading Domiciliary Care Provider,
Feasible Healthcare offers individualised care services to clients in their own homes to live an independent lifes.

Our services are regulated by CQC, and we have an experienced and friendly team to ensure our clients receive care that is safe, effective, and patient-centered.

At Feasible Healthcare, we pride ourselves on the services we deliver to our customers. We always ensure that compassion and quality of care is at the heart of everything we do. Therefore, our staff go through a rigorous recruitment process and are carefully selected to ensure clients’ needs are met. As part of our commitment to providing high quality care to people across a wide range of backgrounds and cultures, we carefully match our staff with clients’ needs. As a result, a high percentage of our clients are repeat customers or were referred to us by others. As a customer-focused health care agency, Feasible Healthcare understands the impact of CQC ratings on care providers, so our candidates receive an additional training package on CQC inspection criteria and what their roles are in meeting those criteria.

Our employees receive extensive training in a variety of areas, including:

• Induction 

• Duty of Care 

• Moving and Handling 

• Infection Control 

• Fluids and Nutrition 

• Safe medication administration 

• Mental health and dementia awareness 

• Health and Safety 

• Dignity and Respect 

• Privacy and Equality 

• Handling confidential information 

• Effective Communication 

• Safeguarding Adults and Children from Abuse

Ongoing training is provided, and regular spot checks are completed under constant monitoring. This is how we keep every member of our care team focused on providing the finest service possible to each of our service users.

We are proud to have top managers with extensive experience in both the care and leadership aspects of the business, ensuring that both clients and employees are happy and excited to give outstanding service.